C-25.01, r. 5 - Rules of practice in civil matters of the Superior Court (District of Québec)

Full text

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| (Identification of the file and description of the parties) Superior Court |
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| __________, 20 . Joint Request to the Chief Justice1 |
| for a Settlement Conference |
| (Art. 151.15 C.C.P.) |
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| 1. We request that such a conference be held to help us find a mutually |
| satisfactory solution to our dispute. |
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| 2. We believe there is a possibility of a negotiated solution and each |
| signatory declares that he is prepared to make reasonable concessions to |
| arrive at such a solution. |
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| 3.2 The following is a summary3 of the questions at issue: |
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| ___________________________________________________________________________ |
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| ___________________________________________________________________________ |
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| ___________________________________________________________________________ |
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| 4. Each party agrees to maintain the confidentiality of “anything said or |
| written during [the] settlement conference” (article 151.21). |
| |
| 5. We understand that “the settlement conference does not suspend the |
| proceeding” (article 151.19). |
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| 6. We wish to have our attorneys present at the conference (article 151.17). |
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| _________________________________ __________________________________ |
| applicant defendant |
| | |
| Attorney in charge of the file: | Attorney in charge of the file: |
| Name: _________________________________ | Name: _______________________________ |
| Firm: _________________________________ | Firm: _______________________________ |
| Address: ______________________________ | Address: ____________________________ |
| _______________________________________ | _____________________________________ |
| Phone: ________________________________ | Phone: ______________________________ |
| Fax: __________________________________ | Fax: ________________________________ |

1 Send the request to the Service des conférences de règlement à l’amiable (C.S.), Palais de justice, 300, boulevard Jean-Lesage, bureau R-327, Québec (Québec) G1K 8K6.
2 Or: 3. Enclosed herewith is a copy of the joined issue or... the “Rules 15” or ... the declarations in accordance with arts. 274.1 and 274.2 C.C.P.
3 Maximum of 10 lines.
Decision 2004-07-23, Form. A.